Lim·i·nal  |  /ˈlimənəl/  |  adjective 

Being on both sides of a boundary, being in transition or the beginning of a process

Liminal space is the space that exists between what came before and what comes next. People come to therapy because something that worked before stopped working. It might be a way of coping, a relationship, or an identity. You know the way things were can’t continue, but you're not sure what something different would look like.

Being in the in between is scary, disorienting, and uncertain. Every instinct says to run back to the way things were, even if you know that wasn’t a place of true living. Through our work together, we will create a space for you to explore a new way of being. It would be our honor to join with you in your liminal space as you figure out what comes next. You are not alone.

The Team

Psychologist who provides therapy and ADHD assessments.

I’m a licensed psychologist in the states of New York and New Jersey. I provide virtual telehealth sessions, as well as in person sessions in my office location in Highland Park, NJ. I provide individual therapy to those who have experienced childhood or relational trauma, spiritual or religious abuse, and those who are in the process of discovering who they are as individuals and in relationships. I also provide couples therapy and psychological assessments, including adult ADHD evaluations, diagnostic evaluations, and immigration evaluations.

I’m Jessica

My therapeutic approach is heavily informed by psychodynamic theory, but always tailored to your specific goals. In your initial sessions, we will explore what you want to obtain from treatment – which could include symptom reduction, insight, deeper relationships, emotion regulation, peace with yourself or another more specific outcome. We then collaborate to determine an approach that will help you work towards your goals. Depending on the person and timeframe of treatment, I will also integrate techniques and approaches from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Internal Family Systems Theory (IFS), and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP).

Therapist who provides trauma and grief therapy.
we are glad you found us.

My approach to treatment is multidimensional and compassion-driven. I believe that the most helpful kind of therapy is built through an authentic, collaborative relationship. That means that together we will become aware of the ways that past experiences, current relational dynamics, and bigger systemic factors impact you and your treatment goals.

I’m a licensed clinical social worker in the state of New Jersey. I provide virtual telehealth sessions, as well as in person sessions in our office location in Highland Park, NJ. I do individual therapy, couples therapy, and mental health consultation and trainings.

Hi, I’m Kristina

Our Specialties

  • You know that ADHD is interfering with your ability to get things done at work, school, and home, but no one has ever explained to you what exactly is happening in your brain and how you can adapt and/or advocate for yourself. People (including you) may assume that you’re lazy, incompetent, or stubborn, which can leave you feeling hopeless about change. Let me help you understand yourself and challenge those assumptions so we can find strategies that work for you.

  • Many people receive treatment for anxiety, and none of it seems to help (and maybe seems to make things worse). One of the reasons this can happen is when the source of a person’s anxiety is OCD. In cases like these, let’s talk about how Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) may be a good fit to address your symptoms so that you can move past the place where you feel stuck.

  • Anxiety is getting in the way of your ability to connect with others, pursue things that are important to you, and stops you from being present in your life. Let’s work together to learn skills that can calm the mind and body, and that challenge the assumptions that drive your anxious thoughts and behaviors so that you can experience relief.

  • I work with members of the LGTBQ+ community. I provide an affirming and non-judgmental therapeutic space to help clients understand their identity and process identity related trauma. I work with kids, teens, and adults who are at any stage of their journey. Whether questioning, closeted, in the processing of coming out or transitioning, or fully accepting of your identity, you are welcome in this space.

  • I work with clients who have difficulty experiencing trust and intimacy in close relationships. You may have experienced a chaotic childhood, emotionally unhealthy parents, an abusive work environments, or a toxic romantic relationship. I can help you notice and change recurring harmful relational patterns and create a space for you to understand your story. Through our work together, we will work together to discover a place of safety inside yourself and in your connection with others.

  • Spiritual beliefs can be a powerful way of making meaning in your life and organizing your understanding of the world. That’s why it can be earth shattering when you’ve experienced trauma, abuse, or mistreatment in your spiritual community. This disconnect can occur after a major loss, when you experience doubts that are deemed “unacceptable,” when you experience abuse from spiritual leaders, or when the spiritual beliefs of your community have caused you to feel deep shame about yourself. When this happens, you might not have any spaces where you can honestly process how these experiences have impacted you, your faith and your beliefs. Let’s sit in that space together.


We provide therapy for a range of concerns including trauma, abuse, religious trauma, LGBTQ+ related concerns, neurodiversity, anxiety, depression, bipolar, and schizoaffective disorder. Individual therapy can be long term (20+ sessions) or shorter term (10-20 sessions).

Ages 16+

Individual Therapy

Ages 13+

Psychological Assessments

You might be an adult who has always wondered if you have ADHD or you may be in therapy and are wondering if you’ve been correctly diagnosed and are even moving in the right direction. Dr. Diasodse provides specialized psychological assessments with comprehensive feedback and reports. Assessments provide clarity and insight and are tailored to your needs, which could include self discovery, application for formal accommodations, or a need for a treatment plan for your mental health.

queer inclusive

Couples Therapy

Whether you feel like your relationship is at a turning point, you’re looking to navigate conflict in a more healthy way, or are looking for growth and intimacy,  we provide couples therapy sessions to give your relationship the space it needs to navigate through difficult spaces.

Upcoming Therapy Group

Queer and Christian Support Group

The intention of this group is to create a space for those who identify as queer (LGBTQIA+, in a queer relationship, or identified with the queer community in any other way) and who have identified as/currently identify as Christian. This space will allow people to process what both identities mean to them. There will be opportunities to share experiences, ask community members questions, and seek/receive support. 

Next Group Runs: May 2024

Consultation Services


Mental Health Workshops

If your community is in need of a mental health workshop, please fill out the form below. We work with churches, college groups, non-profit organizations, and other mental health-based organizations.

therapy group

Mental Health Trainings

We currently offer training for Christian communities who want to better understand how to care for the mental health needs of the LGBTQ+ community. We also offer trainings on how to recognize and respond to suicide risk factors in your community.

“May the tide that is entering even now the lip of our understanding carry you out beyond the face of fear…”

— Lucille Clifton