How do I pay for therapy?
Jessica Diasodse Jessica Diasodse

How do I pay for therapy?

Therapy is so expensive. You’re finally ready to get started with treatment, but how can you pay for it? Let’s look at all of the options you have.

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10 Fun Ways to Confront Your Anxiety
Jessica Diasodse Jessica Diasodse

10 Fun Ways to Confront Your Anxiety

If you’re in therapy for anxiety and you want to know how to stay engaged in between sessions, here’ a few fun challenges for you to try!

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How will I know when I’m healthy?
Jessica Diasodse Jessica Diasodse

How will I know when I’m healthy?

You’ve asked how to fix what’s wrong with your mental health — but what about the other question? What does it look like to actually be healthy? There’s more than just managing and surviving, let’s explore what thriving looks like.

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Do I have internalized homophobia? Take this quiz!
Jessica Diasodse Jessica Diasodse

Do I have internalized homophobia? Take this quiz!

You might have an idea of what it looks like when someone is being homophobic, but do you know what internalized homophobia looks like? It’s not uncommon for members of the LGBTQ+ community to experience homophobia and process it by internalization.

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Should I forgive if I was traumatized?
Jessica Diasodse Jessica Diasodse

Should I forgive if I was traumatized?

When recovering from trauma/abuse, do you have to try to forgive your abuser? Let’s explore common messages about forgiveness and how accurate they are.

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If it wasn’t a cult, why is this still so hard?
Jessica Diasodse Jessica Diasodse

If it wasn’t a cult, why is this still so hard?

Cults aren’t the only type of abusive religious space. If you’ve had experiences with Christianity that have taken you years to process and you don’t understand why they still bother you, let’s explore whether you were in a high cost religious system.

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